What Causes Acne Around the Mouth?

What Causes Acne Around the Mouth?

No one wants an acne breakout, but it happens when pores and hair follicles get clogged up with oil and dead skin cells. Different forms of acne often appear on the face and must be treated.

How about around your mouth? While acne typically will break out in the “T” area across your forehead and down your nose to your chin, if there is an irritation or frequent touching, you will get it in the mouth area too.

While it may seem hopeless, you can visit a Toronto cosmetic clinic to get professional treatment. In addition, there are things you can do to prevent and manage acne around your mouth.

  • Look for cosmetics with a non-comedogenic label, so you don’t put on pore-clogging oils
  • Cleanse your skin, especially after sweating, and wash first thing in the morning and last thing before bedtime
  • Wash your mouth and face after eating, so it is free of bacteria
  • Enact a good shaving system by cleaning the razor after each stroke and changing them regularly
  • Keep your hand off your face because they carry lots of germs and bacteria, which is the main way you transfer them.

In addition, the first step to getting rid of acne around the mouth is understanding how they occur. What causes acne around the mouth? Here are the seven causes of mouth acne:

Cause #1: Shaving

Most people have experienced razor burns while shaving any body part, but the face is more sensitive to skin irritation. It is usually caused by dry shaving without cream or foam, using a dull blade, going over the same area too many times and shaving too quickly. If you have any acne outbreaks, it may be a good idea to skip shaving until it clears up. You don’t want to further irritate the skin.

Shaving creams and oils can also take some blame because they clog the pores and irritate the sensitive skin around the mouth. If you need to shave while you have acne, try exfoliating first with a cleanser, then follow up with a moisturizer.

Cause #2: Lip Balm

Lip products work to hydrate your lips and keep them soft and smooth. If you are prone to dry or chapped lips, using a salve or lip balm helps is a lifesaver. Unfortunately, it can lead to acne there too.

Some lip products have high oil content that can clog up the hair follicles around the lips and get inflamed. This may lead to acne breakouts. The best thing you can do is buy lip balms without comedogenic oils like palm and coconut. Also, pay attention to your application and only put the balm on the lips. Wipe off any excess that gets onto your mouth.

Cause #3: Cosmetic Residue

Like lip balm, makeup is spread around the face and mouth. The same comedogenic oils are the culprits that block the pores because of buildup on the skin. Make sure to remove all makeup after your day or night and go to bed with clean skin.

Cause #4: Diet

We all have heard that we are what we eat, but food can contribute to acne breakouts too. High glycemic foods increase your insulin response, making changes at the cellar level that can exacerbate acne.

Dairy can also stimulate androgen production, creating excess sebum and worsening acne. While the science isn’t completely settled on the matter, pay attention to your eating and how it may trigger acne around your mouth.

Cause #5: Touching

Although you may not realize it, your mouth comes into contact with a lot of stuff during your day. Mobile phones press against your cheek and mouth, straps from the bike and sports helmets create friction in the area, and face masks cover your mouth for extended periods.

This all contributes to trapping dirt and germs in the mouth area. Then further toughing and rubbing irritates the skin, and you have the makings of a perfect acne hot zone.

Cause #6: Hormones

Hormones like androgens lead to the production of sebum, and it loves to clog your pores, leading to acne. This typically hits around the jawline and chin, easily connecting to the mouth area.

Hormone acne is caused by fluctuations from:

  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Menopause
  • Birth control
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Hormone drugs

Cause #7: Musical Instruments

The ability to play an instrument is an amazing creative outlet. For some people, however, it can cause acne around the mouth. Some instruments are played by resting them on your chin. This constant contact may clog the pores around your mouth where there is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands. The violin and flute are among the worst for this, so it’s important to keep the area dry and watch for any irritation.

Other causes that lead to mouth acne include:

  • Sweating on the face
  • Residue from food and drink
  • Bacteria on your pillowcase
  • Touching around your mouth
  • Oily skin

By understanding the cause of acne around your mouth, you can take steps to lessen or eliminate it together. Acne happens, and it is usually manageable, but if you have any concerns, visit a dermatologist for advice on how best to treat it.

Jon Ardor
